School ProfileCurriculumCo-Scholastic


Classes 1 to 8 Monday to Friday 7:15 to 12:55 p.m.
Classes 1 to 8 Saturday7:15 to 12:55 p.m.


Important Facts
Total Number of Student Enrolled914
Number of Classes(Std 1 to 8)
Number of section per classes(A & B)
Maximum Student per classes60
Total Number of Teachers25
Total Number of Class Rooms16
Total Number of Subjects11
Total Number of Sports10


  1. My self
  2. Seasons
  3. Fruits
  4. Vegetable
  5. Animals
  6. Eat healthy fruit
  7. Discussion on good health and hygiene
  8. Cleanliness
  9. Basic manners like using thank you, please and sorry
  10. Story telling
  11. Picture reading
  12. Rhymes
  13. Displaying family pictures in the class
  14. Transport
  15. Awareness about good eating habits
  16. Saying ‘No’ to junk food
  17. Importance of greenery
  18. Planting trees
  19. Road safety and traffic rules
  20. Self grooming
  21. Importance and purpose of animals
  22. Discussion on respecting and protecting animals and birds
  23. Field trip
  24. Health & hygiene week
  25. Making cards for special occasions
  26. Rangoli


We lay emphasis on physical education and physical fitness. Apart from learning the intricacies of various games, sports and physical education, the students develop stamina & endurance and develop the spirit of sportsmanship. We believe that playing sport is not just about physical activity but is essential to the holistic development of an individual. We encourage different sports activities in our campus.



Spare Time Activities

Students involve themselves in: pottery, gardening, toy making, needle works, painting, drawing etc.